abdullah hukum lrt to midvalley
1 MRT LRT. There are 4 ways to get from Abdullah Hukum Station to Sri Petaling LRT Station by train taxi or foot. Mercu 2 Kl Ecocity Kl Sentral Office Abdullah Hukum Station has a total of three entrancesexits with one at the LRT Station and two for the KTM Station including an elevated entrance above the KTM Station concourse level. . The bridge connecting Midvalley City and Abdullah Hukum LRT station officially opened on Thursday November 14th 2019. The Abdullah Hukum LRT station is an elevated LRT station that forms part of the Kelana Jaya Line LRT. These are the lines and routes that have stops nearby - Bus. LRT Abdullah Hukum Kl1113 is 251 meters away 4 min walk. HelloI am not familiar to Mid Valley areaMay i know is there a lot of office people that walks from Abdullah Hukum LRT to MidValley. I have a job interview coming soon. A great option if youre coming from or heading to KL Sentral KLIA and mor...